Wien + Bratislava = Hapsburgs + fun + food


The majestic, historical Capital of an Empire dominating North Europe. Very wealthy City, full of Art and Culture. How to describe the sense of grandeur coming from travellers? Nice backyards surrounded by huge palaces, gothic churches and massive stained glasses;  Schönbrunn Castle and its lovely rose garden.

Schonnbrunn Schuss


Imperial Austria’s Palace, totally public, it tells us histroy throughout centuries. Gorgeous furnishings and époque paintings, fine chinawares and even original photos of Hapsburgs family. There’s a museum about Sissi the Empress, together with her husband Franz Joseph (don’t mind, at the entrance you’ll find an useful audioguide explaining all in details!)


sankt stefan


Wonderful! An unique lightgame inside, heart-breaking!

(Saint Stephen’s Cathedral)








Wien is dynamic, typical restaurants, get lost in Zentrum’s streets is as simple as funny. (Don’t forget to catch the map at Airport: the town is much bigger than it seems!)


You cannot going in the Austria’s Capital without having a delicious SacherTorte!



From Wien bus station are leaving further buses to Bratislava; tickets available on Internet, the trip is less than half an hour.


Bratislava is a lovely town in classic North Europe style.
Be here is like read a Grimms tale: gothic little crayon churches, sloping roofs with the most different red tiles, stone bridges sturdied to the bumps of time.

pastello chiese gotiche

Dominated by his Castle, visible from every corner of old town and crossed by the Danube river.

The historical center is really little, perfect for a walking tour, where you can see old palaces, crayoned squares and souvenir’s stands.
As soon as you arrive, you are  fascinated by the atmosphere of this town, its quiet and peaceful calmness, despite tourists.

Now, let’s discover some tasty local meal!


(Gnocchetti with goat cheese and bacon)

A dinner to Slovak Pub is already a good reason to stay in Bratislava!

(Ravioli with Slovak cheeses and potatoes)

There are also the so-called Botel, hotels bordering boats anchored on the banks of the river. A really funny experience,  not recommended for those suffering from seasickness!

Pubblicato da Clarissa

Psichology's Student, heart-felt Reader, amateur Photographer. Low cost traveller, always searching for new horizons and latest books.